In Neglected Grace, Pastor Jason Helopoulos encourages us to use this means of grace that God provides to us to draw closer to Him daily with our family
This dictionary on family and conjugality begins by laying a biblical and theological basis for reflection, then invites specialists in marital and family counseling, law, history, psychology, and sexology to the debate table. , ethics and pastoral support, both academic and professional in the field. Through this collective approach an interdisciplinary panorama opens up, composed of more than 50 articles grouped according to several areas: the history and sociology of the family, today's challenges, then suffering families and finally the Church and the family.
In Love Languages of Children, Chapman teams up with Ross Campbell, the author of How to Really Love Your Child, to help parents speak their children's love language. You can learn to speak your child's love language fluently!
How can we pass on to our children the spiritual heritage that we would have liked to have? How can we communicate to them a faith that our parents never had or that they did not live consistently? How can we provide them with the safe environment that was not ours? These are the kinds of questions addressed throughout these pages.
In this list of ten remarkable books, the authors will allow you to penetrate the thoughts of your teenagers and pre-teens. You will hear the desires and sometimes illogical decisions of your children. You'll understand the truth behind those infuriating "behavior problems," but also what your children would tell you if they could be sure you were really listening to them.
Being a mother is an adventure, beautiful, but also strewn with pitfalls. Why do we want a child? How is the bond created with him before and after birth? If you have made mistakes with your children, can you make up for them?