A dictionary for Christian families

A dictionary for Christian families, pastors and counselors is now available in our CLC Canada bookstores. This dictionary on family and conjugality begins by laying a biblical and theological basis for reflection, then invites marriage counseling specialists to the debate table and family, law, history, psychology, sexology, ethics and pastoral support, both academic and professional in the field. Through this collective approach an interdisciplinary panorama opens up, composed of more than 50 articles grouped according to several areas: the history and sociology of the family, today's challenges, then suffering families and finally the Church and the family.

Family and conjugality - Multidisciplinary Christian perspectives

The biggest story


The words family, couple and single say almost everything about the fabric of human existence. They talk about relationships and loneliness, happiness and conflict, transmission and rupture. Our time questions family realities, often opposing “new conceptions” of the family to “traditional models”. And the Christian Churches are addressing these questions. As a human being, everyone is affected: by their personal history, their relational life, their professional involvement or their Christian service. At the end of this journey, the reader will have been able, based on Christian references, to enrich their knowledge of the realities of today's world, to grasp the stakes of the major questions posed, and to see the birth of new avenues of reflection, but also of action. Nicole Deheuvels is a pastor, marriage and family counselor, director of the Solos/Duos department at the La Cause Foundation, trainer at the School of Parents and Educators. Christophe Paya is professor of practical theology at the Free Faculty of Evangelical Theology (Vaux-sur-Seine).