Becoming a man according to Jesus: Father’s Day special
How can we pass on to our children the spiritual heritage that we would have liked to have? How can we communicate to them a faith that our parents never had or that they did not live consistently? How can we provide them with the safe environment that was not ours? These are the kinds of questions addressed throughout these pages.
The fathers of the desert - Words From the Fathers Their names are Théodore, Arsène, Macaire, Antoine or even Sarra and Synclétique, they are called Abba or Amma, they are the fathers and mothers of the desert. They lived in the 4th century, mainly in what is now Egypt. Their holiness will attract crowds, seeking with them the way to God. They left us their apophthegms: words, anecdotes or stories of miracles told with disconcerting simplicity and illustrating the spiritual life and ascetic principles of these Christians, all given to God. Buy
Becoming a man according to Jesus In a society where masculine identity is presented in numerous images, through different media (television, cinema, public figures, etc.), and conditioned by cultural and social contexts, it is difficult to find one's own benchmarks to build oneself as a man. And besides, what does “being a man” mean? Nathan Lambert racked his brains and found THE perfect model: Jesus himself. With humor and freshness, he takes us on a journey between the gospel of Matthew and the 2000s. From the “radical man”, to the “mature man” via “the fulfilled man”, “the spiritual man » and so many others, man is considered from all angles, thus showing us how to enter into our identity. Buy
My wife, sex and the glory of God A man and a woman who want more than anything to be together. And who celebrate the gift of God: sexuality. You too are called to experience such communion in your relationship. There will be no question of technique or performance here; rather a relationship that reflects that of Jesus and his Church. In this book, no tips to spice up your sex life, but a renewed conception of the loving relationship between spouses: sexuality according to God. So, take on the challenge of winning back your wife’s heart – and body! Discover how to glorify God through the intimacy you share. Buy
Man of God practice piety The man of God is defined above all by his character. This book is an excellent tool for those who above all aspire to progress in their attachment to God. Kent Hughes addresses in a very practical way subjects that relate to the soul, the character, the ministry, and the personal relationships which characterize a life of wisdom and discipline lived in the grace of God. Buy
Christian parents, what to do? Raising children is not always easy. By quoting the Scriptures extensively, the author lays the foundations of a Christian family: obedience of children, role of parents, etc. Language is direct, tone firm and unequivocal. Buy
What Every Wife Wants Her Husband to Know Whether you're in a good marriage or not, What Every Wife Wants Her Husband to Know will help you communicate more positively with your husband. Positive statements made in public or in private will assure him that he is important to you and that you appreciate him. This will encourage him to do even better at home, at work and in society. Buy
A Spouse's Prayer is Effective In A Spouse's Prayer is Effective, you will discover joy and hope as soon as you invite God into your marriage. Even in the heart of a relationship damaged by injury or wear and tear, God can act far beyond what you imagine. In fact, he can do the impossible! Buy
Without a father and without reference “Even if the subject of this book concerns father-son relationships and failing fatherhood, it is not aimed only at men. The problem also affects women. Their suffering on this subject is perhaps even greater. » Donald Miller Buy
A family that makes you want Having experienced a difficult childhood herself, Mary DeMuth is well placed to understand the fear that can seize inexperienced parents still marked by the suffering of the past. She provides here not educational methods but practical advice for healing, then transmitting to those entrusted to us what they need to build their lives. Buy
Indomitable Many men are bored in the church and in their relationship. They think, in order to become a good Christian and a good husband, they must tame their deepest nature. John Eldredge tackles this misconception. To succeed in his spiritual and relational life, man must reconnect with the image of a passionate God. Combativeness and risk-taking are not bad in themselves, quite the contrary. This original book gives men the key to a life rich in meaning, action and true communion with God. It will also help women to better understand their partners. Buy