
CLC is an international organization dedicated to the distribution of the Bible, Christian books and various Christian media. Our teams come from many different nations, faiths and backgrounds. All are dedicated to serving the Lord Jesus Christ and helping others know Him better through the materials we distribute.

The CLC is currently established in 43 countries. It is represented by more than 120 bookstores, 18 distribution warehouses and 22 publishing houses. The work of the CLC in each of these countries is implemented independently. We are united by our common vision, goals and international constitution.

However, CLC is more than a bookstore chain, rather it is our desire to see people's lives changed by making evangelical literature available to all nations so that people come to faith and maturity in Christ. It is an established fact that a large percentage of people convert to Christianity do so through reading a Christian book.

The organization which was founded in England in 1941 and today has its international headquarters in Sheffield, United Kingdom.

The mission of CLC is to honor God by making Christian literature and resources available to all nations, so that everyone may come to faith and maturity in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Our vision

  • Increase the number of bookstores that have an impact on the community;
  • Promote the publication and distribution of the Word of God as well as Christian literature;
  • Support overseas projects.

Ken and Bessie Adams

At the start of World War II, a young couple, Ken and Bessie Adams, heard Jesus' call to "feed my sheep." Together they worked with the Friends Evangelistic Band in England, holding tent meetings and visiting homes. During these visits, they found that they had been preceded by other people who had left literature, notably Jehovah's Witnesses. Ken said, “I can’t stand by and do nothing to spread the truths of the Gospel.” So he and Bessie went to homes provided with good Christian literature.

Driven by his passion for distributing literature, Ken rented rooms upstairs in Colchester, called "The Evangelical Publishing House". This was happening even when the government severely restricted publishing and the opening of bookstores in wartime England. The evangelical publishing house The Adams felt led to align itself with WEC International, with the intention of helping that organization establish bookstores in England. WEC's Norman Grubb was excited about the potential of a bookstore series. Requests, opportunities and funding began to present themselves to Ken and Bessie, resulting in the formation of the CLC as a stand-alone ministry established on November 1, 1941.

By the end of the war there were six literature centers in England and one serving German prisoners of war. Growth continued with God's grace and blessing and today, CLC serves in 57 countries where 700 men and women of various nationalities join hands to feed a print-hungry world.