This work is not an introduction to the Gospel of John like the others, offering readers avenues for reflection and other reading keys which will allow them to best understand its riches.
The book of Jeremiah is addressed to exiles, particularly those in Babylon, in the years following the catastrophe. There we meet a prophet who, from his youth to his old age, announces the Word of God to a people who are experiencing one of the most terrible moments in their history.
Drawing bridges between philosophy and theology, through a discourse which never sacrifices reason on the altar of faith, but which uses the insight of the Word of God to stimulate philosophical reflection, such is the challenge of Charles-Éric de Saint Germain in his Philosophico-theological Writings on Christianity.
This work has become for me a ministry companion of inestimable and eternal value. If you only buy one book on Christian leadership, choose this one. You will never regret it. May every Christian read it, study it, pray it, teach it and above all live it and may the kingdom of God rise to new heights, led and motivated by men and women inspired by The Leader: its objectives, its training.
The courses proposed in this collection are intended to be supports accompanying this approach, which can be individual or in groups.
The proposed Bible study frameworks will create times for discussion, encouragement and prayer that will create a link between the individual and the community.
More than 800 pages to explain each chapter of the Bible, with analyses, syntheses, summaries, but also articles dealing with history, geography, archaeology, sociology, ethnology and even botany... to illuminate the biblical text, contextualize it and highlight it. The whole is written by eminent specialists in remarkably accessible language.
An overview of Christian doctrines in the spirit of the Reformation. The good foundation proposes to examine the teaching of the local Church in order to verify its content in the light of biblical teaching.
Thanks to this manual, you will see that theology, far from being dry, sterile, drying, elitist, is on the contrary fascinating, accessible and enriching.