The leader: his objectives and training

It is with joy and a deep feeling of gratitude that I recommend this magnificent, inspired and essential work for every French-speaking Christian leader. I have been studying and teaching leadership for over fifteen years. I have read and analyzed more than a hundred books on this subject. Franck Damazio's work is unique, powerful, deeply practical and biblical. This is not a book that you will read once. It is an inexhaustible source of inspiration and information that will make you a better leader, ruler, teacher and preacher. This book can become a friend that guides and strengthens you in the paths of Christian leadership. This work has become for me a ministry companion of inestimable and eternal value. If you only buy one book on Christian leadership, choose this one. You will never regret it. May every Christian read it, study it, pray it, teach it and above all live it and may the kingdom of God rise to new heights, led and motivated by men and women inspired by The Leader: its objectives, its formation (Église Nouvelle Vie, Montreal, Quebec, Canada) Table of contents:
  • Preface
  • Introduction
  1. The nature of leadership
  2. Church leadership – background and conflicts
  3. The call to leadership
  4. Man's response to God's call
  5. Heart Qualifications for Leadership
  6. The leader and the heart of a shepherd
  7. Leadership Character Qualifications
  8. Leader preparation
  9. A Lifelong Preparation: Joshua and Samuel
  10. Principles of preparation: Elisha, David, Timothy
  11. Ministry Preparation Tests
  12. Elevation tests
  13. The law of reproduction in leadership
  14. Spiritual Warfare Ministries in the Life of the Leader
  15. The Leader's Restoration Ministries
  16. Growth Ministries in the Life of the Leader
  17. The function of leadership
  18. Team Ministry
  19. The anointing of the Holy Spirit
  20. Christ, the Anointed Ruler
  21. New Testament Warning
  22. Discipline and Restoration of Church Leaders and Members
  • Conclusion