Philosophico-theological writings on Christianity

Drawing bridges between philosophy and theology, through a discourse which never sacrifices reason on the altar of faith, but which uses the insight of the Word of God to stimulate philosophical reflection, such is the challenge of Charles-Éric de Saint Germain in his Philosophico-theological Writings on Christianity. Through diverse and varied studies, which touch on morality (“Christianity and pleasure”; “Desperate happiness?”; “Love: wisdom or madness?”), existence and the spiritual quest that anime (“The stages of existence in Kierkegaard”; “Can one be a Christian and a Freemason?”), politics (“Secularism, a state religion?”; “Law and violence "), apologetics ("Pascal's critique of physico-theological proof"), hermeneutics ("Pascal and the Bible") and finally fundamental theology ("Christian predestination"), the author takes us on a journey of thought that will strengthen believers in their Christian convictions.

Charles-Éric de Saint Germain is an associate professor of philosophy in preparatory classes. He is the author of The Defeat of Reason. Essay on contemporary political-moral barbarism (Salvator, 2015) and Private lessons in philosophy (Ellipses, 2011-2012).

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