Contents :
- Prologue
- A world not as perfect as that
- The believers
- Blessings, dreams and visions
- Return to Canaan and new beginning
- Suffering in Egypt
- God's holy people
- Revolt in the desert
- The promised land
- A nation under threat
- Love and loyalty
- The prophet Samuel
- The first king of Israel
- Plots of the sons of David
- Wisdom and madness
- A nation divided
- Powers and superpowers
- The capture of Jerusalem
- Exiled in a distant land
- The problem of suffering
- The time has come to rebuild the nation
- The past and the future
- The Nativity
- Preparing the path
- Live according to God
- The man of miracles
- The man and his message
- An end and a beginning
- Men who changed the world
- The Good News spreads quickly
- Advice for New Christians
- A vision of the future
ISBN: 9782850317408