The Bible story

The Bible story

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Contents :

  1. Prologue
  2. A world not as perfect as that
  3. The believers
  4. Blessings, dreams and visions
  5. Return to Canaan and new beginning
  6. Suffering in Egypt
  7. God's holy people
  8. Revolt in the desert
  9. The promised land
  10. A nation under threat
  11. Love and loyalty
  12. The prophet Samuel
  13. The first king of Israel
  14. Plots of the sons of David
  15. Wisdom and madness
  16. A nation divided
  17. Powers and superpowers
  18. The capture of Jerusalem
  19. Exiled in a distant land
  20. The problem of suffering
  21. The time has come to rebuild the nation
  22. The past and the future
  23. The Nativity
  24. Preparing the path
  25. Live according to God
  26. The man of miracles
  27. The man and his message
  28. An end and a beginning
  29. Men who changed the world
  30. The Good News spreads quickly
  31. Advice for New Christians
  32. A vision of the future

ISBN: 9782850317408