1400 references to better understand biblical doctrine

1400 references to better understand biblical doctrine

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This book is intended for readers who wish to strengthen their knowledge and faith in order to progress in the study of the Bible, as well as for those who wish to lay the foundations of a solid and true faith for the young people, teenagers or children among whom they work.

“1,400 references to better understand biblical doctrine will allow you to approach a new field of reflection, always in relation to children; broader and more complete, it is a thematic compilation of biblical occurrences, this book is not read like an essay or in the manner of a novel, no! It is more of a work tool than anything else, (…) If your concern is to provide quality work among the children of our Assemblies, if you do not read only to escape, but to learn, you will be satisfied with your acquisition, I can only encourage you to read it; who knows if with time and this study you will not become a reference yourself!” (Extract from the preface by Mr. Michel Chiner, pastor in Lyon)

ISBN: 9782363342188