Our usefulness in the Lord's work is determined by the constitution of our character. To accomplish this, the natural and undesirable elements of our character must be carefully dealt with by the abundant mercy and grace of our Lord, and positive traits must be built up, cultivated, and developed. Although a useful disposition cannot be developed in a day, yet it must be built up if we are to be effective servants of the Lord.
In The Character of the Lord's Worker, Watchman Nee discusses the specific aspects of character that determine the usefulness of a Christian worker. The Lord's worker is one who can listen to others, love people, endure suffering, control his body, and is diligent, moderate, and stable. In this book, Watchman Nee also discusses other interesting issues such as subjectivity and attitude toward money. Formerly published under the title The Normal Christian Worker, these messages have been retranslated and bear the title that Watchman Nee gave to the original Chinese version.
Author: Watchman Nee
ISBN: 9780736361958