This book is the penultimate part of the “Foundations of Faith Series.”
The apostle Paul says in Philippians 3:10-11: “That I may know Christ, and the power of his resurrection,…if by any means I may attain to the resurrection from the dead.”
The resurrection from the dead is the final and conclusive step of our eternal salvation. It is at this time that we believers will receive our “glorified body,” and every affliction, every trace of sin, every form of curse and weakness will be completely erased, even from our mortal bodies. The perfect work of Jesus on the Cross will be, in effect, completed, and will see its ultimate result forever.
In this book, Derek Prince will show us, through the Scriptures, that eternity is really something other than a very long period of time. We will see that there are two divergent destinies at death, and what is the destiny of Christians when they die.
The Scriptures teach us that the resurrection is already foretold in the Old Testament, and the resurrection and rapture of true Christians will be dealt with.
Just as death is the universal destiny for all, through the descent of Adam, so the resurrection of the dead is God's appointment for all; and this is possible through the death and resurrection of Christ.