Do you have a burning desire to draw near to God? It's closer than you think!
This book is the result of a Christian life established and founded in Christ. Steve shares with us his intimate and personal experiences with God, the result of more than thirty years of Christian life. It is in a way his heart and his faith that are communicated to us. Written with great frankness, depth and richness, without legalism but with grace. A truly magnificent work that will teach us great biblical truths.
God offers us every day the opportunity to enjoy his presence and feel his sweet anointing. If we want to experience it more fully, all we need is to know it better. To help us with this, Steve Fry has artfully crafted forty short, truly engaging essays that open our eyes to different facets of God's character; he also shows us how each of them puts us in contact with the Lord. Each chapter, which finds its source in a lived experience, presents us with an aspect of the beauty of God, thereby offering us the opportunity to strengthen our relationship with him.
Dick Eastman , Christ from House to House
While reading this incredible book, I encountered God on many occasions. Somehow, Steve Fry has the ability to touch the deepest part of the human heart and connect it to God. I love this book! It will change your life!
Cindy Jacob, The Generals of Intercession
“I Am” renewed my thirst to know God. With the depth of those who dwell with the Master and with the humility and honesty of a fellow traveler, Steve Fry encourages us to seek intimacy with God. The chapter on The Silence of God alone is worth the entire book.
Steve Green , Christian artist
ISBN: 9782881501425