Where can a God-fearing mother turn for help in a world where so many influences and ideas strive to capture the hearts of her children? This little book is an essential tool to help mothers bring to God in prayer their hopes, their difficulties and their worries for their children. Inspired by the Lord's own words, this collection of 170 prayers and 31 blessings from Scripture will guide any mother who wants to pray for the protection, spiritual growth, emotional health, social maturity and intellectual development of her children. Building on Mothers in Prayer International's four stages of prayer (praise, confession, thanksgiving, and intercession), these effective prayers will help moms who are feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, or lonely bring their concerns to their Heavenly Father. By crying out to God on behalf of their children, they will gain hope if they are overwhelmed, find peace if they feel confused, and gain wisdom if they no longer know what to do.
Author: Fern Nichols
ISBN: 9782880272173