And above all, why are you going to say yes to him…
If you don't know why to marry, you won't know who to marry. So if you're not yet married, don't take the plunge before reading this book!
We don't get married just because we have mutual feelings. But then, what are the other criteria for choosing the right spouse? And above all, what are the relevant reasons for choosing your spouse? What if God wanted you to marry for your spiritual growth rather than your personal happiness? What if it wasn't about finding "the right person", but rather about being of service to the one who loves you with infinite love?
The author challenges you to find a worthy partner – one who will accompany you on your spiritual journey. So from now on, aim to build a relationship around a common spiritual mission and to place eternity at the heart of your marriage project.
Gary Thomas , international speaker, has published several best-selling books on marriage and family, including You Said Yes to What? . It connects biblical principles and Church history to stimulate our spiritual and relational growth.
Contents :
- Thanks
- The story of two tears
- The big exception
- Vulnerable and stupid
- You don't really want what you think you want
- Soul mate or valuable partner?
- Made for each other?
- Marriage: a religious lottery?
- Passively endure or actively seek?
- What is your style ?
- Are you strong enough to marry me?
- For a lasting marriage
- Something you need to agree on
- Look for a complementary person, not a clone
- What you don't know can hurt you
- A neurochemical war against your reasoning
- “Problem” people
- You won't know your wife until she's thirty-five
- What about you?
- Marriages for charity
- Epilogue: A new perspective
- Notes
ISBN: 9782362494222