A merciless struggle - News of parables

A merciless struggle - News of parables

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It was bold to delve once again into material so central to the faith, so commented on, so familiar in a word to all readers of the New Testament, to deliver a new reading. This reading is indeed new: the author, a Dominican of Italian origin, who has traveled through many cultures, returns, like the Prodigal Son of Scripture, to the Europe of his fathers: after Having been immersed for ten years in Turkish civilization, from which he brought back more than knowledge, love and impregnation through rites, he retains an intimate and unwavering tenderness for an Islam which broadens his reading and experience.

Here he approaches with a new eye an anthropology of everyday life, and the place from which he speaks, with its simplicity, brings forth prayer - is this a distant influence of the whirling dervishes and their gyrating dance? Moving away from the Gospels to better penetrate their meaning: we will come across many "elsewheres" in this exegesis of simplicity, and the reader who wants to accompany the author in his meditations will come back rejuvenated, refreshed, as when the experience of faith restores a young and revived heart.

ISBN: 9782356140982