There are two types of missionaries including:
Local or grassroots missionaries. These are missionaries who stay at the base of the work or in the neighborhood of the work. For example in Yaoundé. They evangelize the city or the village. However, they must be consecrated. They must, however, sacrifice in the same manner as those who go to foreign mission fields.
The fasting missionaries. Their lives are completely, totally, entirely and radically given over to fasting. They fast so that God's purposes may be accomplished in the nation and abroad.
Prayer missionaries. They spend their entire lives praying that God's purposes in their generation may be accomplished. They are the “Annes” of our time. (Luke 2:36-38)
Donor Missionaries: Such missionaries are people with heavy financial and material investments in God's missionary enterprise; They work hard day and night to earn money to invest in the kingdom of God. They lead a life of voluntary poverty. They live on the bare minimum. They live neither in luxury nor in worldliness.
Missionary Helpers: These missionaries deal with practical matters. They are drivers, secretaries, cleaners, administrators who organize and carry out all kinds of practical tasks. Without such missionaries, a meeting, campaign, crusade or any event cannot take place.
Mobile or Apostolic Missionaries: These are those who plant churches in new locations through discipleship. These are the ones who will plant new churches in other cities, regions, nations and continents.
ISBN: 9782357740839