Through the story of his childhood in an African village, the director of Compassion International challenges us to change the world — one child at a time .
In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it is easy to leave children by the wayside. Especially since they neither march nor demonstrate, even when they suffer the worst trauma, or abuse of all kinds. Yet it is vital for the very future of our humanity to give children first priority in all areas of life.
It is to this general mobilization that Wess Stafford, director of Compassion International, a ministry internationally recognized in child sponsorship, invites us. Through this vibrant appeal, he is the spokesperson for those who cannot express themselves. Because of his experiences, Wess Stafford presents to us the essential reasons which should motivate us to take up the cause of children throughout the world.
Children are often victims of war, pornography, prostitution, but also lack of money, food, education and security. And yet, in a few short years, they will be the ones responsible for managing the world's major problems. Today is the time to commit and invest in children because they are not too small to be forgotten.
ISBN: 9782722201033