If your brother has sinned, what should you do? Ignore it? Condemn and reject it?
- Jesus indicated how to proceed towards him to win him.
- The apostle Paul clarified the modalities of “ecclesiastical discipline”.
- The Churches of the first centuries and those of the Reformation applied them with great – often – rigor.
Today, discipline is “the blind spot of theology,” the most neglected area of the life of the Church. Yet, as J. Yoder says, the rediscovery of the discipline is Christianity's only hope in a post-Christian society.
In this book, Alfred Kuen studies
- The foundations (natural and biblical) of discipline
- The need for self-discipline
- Discipline under the Old Covenant, in the Gospels, Acts and Epistles
- The dangers of discipline
- Its historical evolution
- How to proceed in concrete cases to “heal the wounded”
ISBN: 9782828700607