Professor Fomum's book "The Brokenness" is a true classic for learning the Christian walk in total abandonment to the Lord.
Indeed, after the new birth, a man's spirituality is not measured by his capacity for great sermons, for casting out demons, or for healing the sick. Such abilities could be the manifestation of spiritual gifts which are received from God, without taking into account what the person is. Such a person could:
- be totally unrecognizable in the face of the slightest provocation,
- be selfish and self-centered,
- hiding or blaming others for one's faults and failures,
- worry about the slightest problem, and act before having prayed,
This speaks of the unbroken life in which, unfortunately, most believers who confess the name of the Lord in truth find themselves many years after conversion.
God's purpose in the new creation is to produce people who reach spiritual maturity, quickly attaining the stature of broken men or women. God does this through the cross to break and destroy the natural man, and through the work of the Holy Spirit to build the character of Christ within the believer. Brokenness therefore depends on the degree to which one has given the cross and the Holy Spirit opportunity to work in him.
Based on the life of Jacob, the author shows how one can move from the state of a natural man (unconverted) to that of a carnal believer (unbroken), then to that of a spiritual believer (broken); that is to say a life in which the believer:
- belongs totally to the Lord,
- gives access to God in the smallest aspects of his life,
- no longer presents any obstacle to God.
Read this book. You will be edified. He will help you make progress on the path of brokenness, to the point where you will soon be able to confess with the apostle Paul: "if I live, it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me" .
ISBN: 9782357740747