These 30 days to grow in faith offer the reader the opportunity to explore the essential elements of the work of Jesus Christ, salvation, life in the Church and Christian hope. Are these not essential foundations for those who want not only to find their way in today's world and understand the issues at stake in the debates, but also to live as Christians without being carried away by all the winds of doctrine and currents of thought ? Christian doctrine is not just a theoretical matter, it supports and nourishes the life of the Christian. For the author, the doctrine is not made to remain on library shelves, but to be discovered, studied and integrated into the concreteness of Christian thought, speech and action. This book contains 30 days of daily meditations on several fundamental aspects of biblical teaching: the resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ, the work of the Holy Spirit, conversion, sanctification, baptism, supper, worship, gifts, new creation, etc., with enlightening explanations, practical suggestions, biblical verses and prayers. There are also four Bible studies on key texts, for use alone or in groups. The approach leads us to work on both our knowledge and our life, since the doctrine always has a practical aim. 30 days to revisit the foundations of faith, and 30 days to take root in Christ!
ISBN: 9782755002393