Please note that the warehouse sale will be held exclusively at 9200, Rue Meilleur in Montreal.

Revolted: New beginning for the heart

Revolted: New beginning for the heart

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Gone are the days of feeling sorry for yourself; past the time of remaining dejected, crushed by continual failures in love life. The hour of revolt has come, the time to rise for a total restoration, a palpable change and a fulfilled life is here.

You have in your hands the tool you need to finally embrace this fulfilling love life that was destined for you. This book is a cocktail of testimonies, experiences, stories, instructions and principles to help you give your heart a fresh start.

About the Author:

A mixture of passion for entrepreneurship and writing, a heart for Jesus, seasoned with excess dedication to the cause of the Kingdom of God, this is what makes Victoria Mousenga or more simply Victoria Glory, president and initiator of the movement and the KINGDOM TIME organization.

Author: Victoria Mousenga
