Meeting Jesus - 7 practical lessons from the Bible

Meeting Jesus - 7 practical lessons from the Bible

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When people encounter Jesus, surprising things happen. In the biblical accounts of these “seven practical lessons,” we witness Jesus’ encounter with a high-ranking soldier and that with a destitute widow. We see Jesus and the relationships he establishes with a most pious religious leader and a repentant prostitute. We listen to their conversations and realize that meeting Jesus surprises and changes lives.

This manual of “practical lessons around the Bible” is a simple and relevant way to encourage and equip any Christian wishing to meet people in search. If you have already led Bible studies, you will see that discussions based on the gospels of Luke and John allow you to address subjects in depth. Although this book is rich in historical details and practical challenges, it will certainly not answer all of your questions. Moreover, it could well be that it will give rise to new ones. In any case, this study will help you progress in your faith journey.

Meeting Jesus is a useful complement to the book Evangelization Differently, published by the same publishers.

ISBN: 9782940488162