Reformatting your heart in a time when we are demanding our rights
Recognition does not come naturally to us. We often feel like we deserve better. Where do these meritorious feelings come from? Certainly not from the Bible. They are often the product of our pride and the surrounding culture.
As we ask God to reformat our hearts, let us study the author's answer to this question and be inspired by his example. Peter Maiden was a renowned author, speaker and international director of Operation Mobilization.
The degree of our true love for God is measured by the intensity of our gratitude towards him. This could be the summary of this book. Jacques Buchhold
A deeply biblical book – gratitude is a privilege and an expression of our faith. Donald Carson
This book breathes truth and honesty on a subject that can only transform our lives and our hearts in the face of a society that often complains and always demands more. Colin Crow
While he is in full swing, Peter is diagnosed with terminal cancer. This does not prevent him from practicing gratitude, first and foremost towards his Savior! Mike Evans
A vibrant plea in favor of the practice of recognition, turning the neck on the claim of our own rights. Dany Hameau
His last chapter brought tears to my eyes. Even in the toughest circumstances, we can remain grateful. Chris Short
Putting this book into practice will change your life. George Verwer
Author: Peter Maiden
ISBN: 9782912821256