"Exchange a life of simple routine for a life of fulfillment." Does your heart long to replace the mess or routine of daily life with a fulfilling and meaningful life? You may feel a sense of accomplishment faithfully complete daily tasks and yet you feel like you are useless. In the passage from Titus 2:3-5, God reveals the ten character traits he values most.
What are they ? This is what you will discover when reading When God Chooses a Woman. How to simplify your life and make it more meaningful by focusing on: wisdom, purity, language, personal discipline, love for your spouse, kindness, love for your family, being encouraging others, love of your home, Christ-like behavior.
There is no higher or nobler lifestyle than living these ten priorities. They will bring balance, fulfillment and happiness to you and those around you. In the routine of your daily life, God will bring forth his plan for your life, because it is precious in his eyes!
ISBN: 9782847002003