Psicología Pastoral - Rosario Arias Barahona & Samuel Diaz

Pastoral Psychology

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PASTORAL PSICOLOGY, combines the essence of pastoral theology with the postulates and techniques of psychology. Comienza con una panoramica de la psicología, enfocandose en la relación del humano y los diversos campos de la vida diaria, presentandose also los fundamentos cientificos de la psicologia con relación a la mission pastoral. The book is included in the camp of the pastor as a counselor, appreciating the theological dimension of the integral gospel that saves, sana, restores, liberates, and advises men and women in need.

This includes a section on the psychology of immigrants, which is a theme of actuality and growing concern. Ultimately, we offer practical advice on the use of psychotechnical practices, personal contracts for religious organizations, escalations of values, and relaxation exercises. The Lic. Carolina Chávez, who knows psychology and stress, says: "Current life is the most widespread and varied field in which it applies the recursos of psychology, because it depends on the emotional balance of the person. This balance can be altered by the person. we live in a very active and changing environment that generates stress.

We need a certain dose of stress that activates our brain to generate neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin. However, if we do not control it, this stress turns into a toxic substance that damages our brain and also our brain, generates a neurotransmitter that causes cortisol.

ISBN: 9781932682519