Pray, why, how, when

Pray, why, how, when

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If we think we know everything about prayer, let's read this book, it will bring us back to reality, that is to say to the fact that we still have, and that's good, a lot to learn on the subject. If we find we don't know much about prayer, this book is also for us. We will definitely enjoy it. This is not yet another work on prayer, as if to add another layer. It is simple, but beneficial, encouraging. The author took the cloth to dust off preconceived or false ideas on the subject and presto! in a few lines, he makes us want to pray, to pray more, to pray more justly, more truly, an obligatory path to benefit from the "fruits of prayer", from all these wonderful promised answers. It would not be surprising if, even before having finished reading it, we found ourselves praying with more enthusiasm, more force... and this will only be the beginning of a new stage of our life, punctuated by prayers, therefore, by answers and victories.

ISBN: 9782914978637