Personally, for a long time, I made a lot of effort to improve my prayer life. (...) I thus ended up mastering a certain number of “techniques”. But I did not become the “great man of prayer” that I wanted to be. In fact, I think I was so preoccupied with the outward aspect of prayer that I ended up not praying at all, or at least not in an authentic way. In reality, the secret to a fulfilling prayer life has nothing to do with human skill or effort.
Far from proposing a method for better prayer, Tim Chester, in this pleasant to read work, brings us back to the simplicity of prayer according to the Bible. What he writes there is profoundly edifying. Faith is strengthened, the soul comforted.
A book to read... and live day after day!
Teacher at Acts 29 Oak Hill Academy , specializing in church planting, responsible for Grace Church in Yorkshire (central England), Tim Chester is the author of around thirty works, of which this is the first translated into French. He is married and the father of two children.
Contents :
- Introduction
Part 1: Why prayer is a simple thing
- The Father likes us to pray to him
- The Son makes every prayer acceptable to the Father
- The Spirit helps us to pray
Part Two: Why Prayer is Difficult
- “I have more interesting things to do”
- “There is more urgency”
- “When I needed him, God did not answer me”
- Prayer, a battle to fight, a victory to win
Part Three: What We Pray
- The “arguments” to make in prayer
- Prayer Priorities: The Glory of God
- Prayer Priorities: Our Needs
- Index of biblical references
Author: Tim Chester
ISBN: 9782940335930