In the small town of Bethany, there lived a man named Lazarus. He had two sisters, Marie and Marthe. All three were friends with a man named Jesus. But one day, Lazarus fell ill...
When someone becomes very ill, it's scary. Jesus knew it. He also knew that the death of one person can make others very sad. Jesus wept when his friend Lazarus died. But at the graveside, he did something that changed everything. He showed that he came to give his friend life after death.
With this fresh and poignant look at the story of Lazarus, Lauren Chandler helps children understand that one day there will never be goodbye again, thanks to Jesus!
The author, Lauren Chandler, often told the story of Lazarus to her own children while her husband, Matt Chandler, suffered from a brain tumor. For children faced with the death or illness of a loved one, or those who wonder about what will happen after death, this book offers them comfort: Jesus came to give his friends life after death. dead.
ISBN: 9782362495328