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Sweeter than honey

Sweeter than honey

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Understanding and communicating the richness of the Old Testament

“Sweeter than honey and more precious than gold,” the book of Psalms says of the Lord’s teachings. But this is not always the experience of preachers... There are many who prefer to stay away from the Old Testament, because they do not perceive its relevance or because it seems too difficult to understand and explain. On the other hand, some preach on Old Testament texts, but interpret them in strange ways, or draw only legalistic rules or symbolic lessons from them. In this book Christopher Wright encourages preachers not to ignore the Old Testament! It is the word of God, the foundation of our faith and it is the Bible that Jesus read. First part of the great biblical story which goes from creation to the new creation, the Old Testament, the path which leads us to Christ, is also part of our history.

The book begins by showing why it is necessary to preach on the Old Testament, then it shows the preacher how to approach the different types of literature found there: history, law, prophets, psalms, wisdom literature. The book also contains tables, exercises, examples, which make it a real practical manual for preachers.

Christopher JH Wright is director of ministries at Langham Partnership. He was principal of All Nations Christian College, Britain, and taught at Union Biblical Seminary, India. He is notably the author of Ethics and the Old Testament (2007), Salvation (2011), The mission of God (2012), God, I do not understand (2016) and The message of Jérémie (2017) .

ISBN: 9782755003192