Childhood injuries, of all kinds, inevitably leave traces in the behavior of adults, who themselves will generate injuries. But this vicious circle can be broken and there is hope for those who want to escape this cycle.
“By injury, I mean actions, words and behaviors, deliberate or involuntary, visible or invisible, physical or emotional, inflicted by others or by oneself, from a simple scratch to a fatal injury.” , writes the author.
Wounded by life, our self-protection reflex often leads us to hurt ourselves. Christian counseling counselor Sandra Wilson offers solutions to break this cycle. The numerous examples drawn from his experience give even more weight to his argument. Each chapter is punctuated by a “Reflection Pause” which takes the reader towards their own wounds (or those of those around them) with the aim of healing them in the presence and with the help of God.
Two major parts to this book - How Life Hurts Us and How God Makes Us Well.
ISBN: 9782863142752