Sharing bread and wine together: this is one of the invitations addressed by Jesus to his disciples, and since then one of the gestures most frequently practiced in Christian communities. The Christian therefore enters into it with a feeling of familiarity. But what actually happens at the moment of the Supper? What does this gesture imply? Who does it concern? In what form and with what regularity can we practice it... and why? What was Jesus' intention in establishing it? How can we explain the different views that Christian communities have on this practice? Should it be accompanied by an examination of conscience? Can children be involved? Single cup or small glasses?
It is such questions, both conceptual and very practical, that this collection of texts seeks to answer. There we will find an invitation to reconsider the images that we have learned to have of the Last Supper and to re-examine the biblical texts which speak to us about it.
Laurent Clémenceau is a pastor and author of Meetings and Weddings (2014), Understanding Colossians Today (2015) and, in the Éclairages collection, of The Old and the New (2016).
ISBN: 9782755003130