Sixty-six books, written by forty different authors, over a period of two millennia, in two languages and in different literary genres. A worldwide bestseller published in a countless variety of formats, in several hundred languages. It was used to take an oath in court in certain countries, to wage war, to debate various subjects.
The Bible is not a book like any other. How to read it, and how to understand it as a whole?
In his excellent overview, Vaughan Roberts gives us an overview of the Bible that allows us to see how its different parts form a coherent whole. Whether we are familiar with the biblical texts or not, this book will help us orient ourselves in the great history of the Bible and find points of reference to grasp its full significance for us and for our contemporaries. Eight biblical studies (one at the end of each chapter) lead us to see for ourselves the coherence of the Scriptures, and to ask ourselves relevant questions about their teaching.
ISBN: 9782863144206