Marc Paré offers a reading of the book of Hosea which, in the finest Anabaptist and evangelical tradition, rigorously places the prophet in his historical and religious context, on the one hand, and explores, on the other hand, the spiritual and ethics of the prophetic message for a contemporary audience.
The reflection proposed in this Dossier goes well beyond the generalities that one might expect from such a work. In addition to the exegetical observations that dot the text, the author does not hesitate to address several difficult but essential themes for an adequate understanding of the prophetic discourse.
If I recommend this book, it is largely because Marc Paré allows the reader to glimpse the magnificent vision of the God of love who animates the book of Hosea and who reminds us of the redemptive horizon being fully accomplished in Jesus Christ, dead and resurrected.
Pierre Gilbert, assistant professor of biblical theology, Canadian Mennonite University, Winnipeg
ISBN: 9791091090032