Segond 21
A short but significant life!
Among his contemporaries, some thought that he was a prophet or a righteous man, others that he had a demon and was crazy, still others that he was only an imposter.
“And who do you think I am?”
He asked his disciples. There are millions of them, 2000 years later, who respond like the apostle Peter: “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”
Who is Jesus for us?
It's up to everyone to provide their answer. But, for it to be truly founded, what could be better than reading the texts left by eyewitnesses to his life and death, his teachings and his actions?
The New Testament is presented here with very readable characters despite a small format which allows you to have part of the biblical text with you everywhere. With, as a bonus, a minidictionary, maps, a summary of the Gospel and a memory aid for finding important texts.
The Segond 21 version is the result of 12 years of work on the Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek texts and takes into account new information available. His goal? Propose a French formulation faithful to the original, in current language, hence the formula “The original, with today's words”.
ISBN: 9782608127068