The first commentary in French on the entire Bible in one volume. Written by around fifty of the best Anglo-Saxon exegetes, it constitutes a veritable dictionary of biblical difficulties and a reliable guide for meditation and the study of the Holy Scriptures.
Widespread by hundreds of thousands in English-speaking countries. Contains, in addition to commentaries, 12 general articles on burning topics (the authority of the Scriptures, revelation and inspiration, literary criticism of the Pentateuch, apocryphal and apocalyptic literature and current updates on the history of Israel, the theology of the Old Testament, poetry and wisdom literature in the Bible, the period between the two Testaments, the four gospels, the epistles of Paul)
An introduction to each biblical book (author, date, historical and literary background, purpose and main themes). A detailed outline of the contents of the book.
It took five years for a dozen translators and revisers working under the direction of Dr René Pache to produce the French text of this monumental work which would cover nearly 7,000 pages of an ordinary book. The typographic layout in two columns and the format of the book made it possible to condense the material onto 1,380 pages and to make it a very manageable work with a beautiful presentation.
ISBN: 9782828700065