No longer let your contradictions stand between you and your calling. Many of us feel discouraged, deep in the gap between our weaknesses and our dreams, between the person we are and the person God is supposed to be. We feel unfit to do God's work and unable to live out the possibilities we envision. Now, God has his own unique way of using our weaknesses for good. In reality, God loves humble and (un)qualified people. Understanding your identity in light of who God is is the author's first proposition throughout this book. The second is to reconcile yourself to the good, the bad and the unspeakable in your life and learn to let God use you with it. The major challenge of this book is to get you to bridge the gap between your dreams for the future and current circumstances and make you encounter God there. After all, God can't bless the person you pretend to be. On the other hand, he ardently desires to bless who you really are: this ordinary and imperfect person. Doesn't God use the foolish things of the world to shame the great?
Author: Steven Furtick
ISBN: 978284700306