No soy Fan

No Soy Fan

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¿Es usted a fanático, or a follower? The dictionary describes a fanatic as an “enthusiastic admirer”. The fans are the ones who are the most possible of Jesus to benefit from his presence, but they still want to sacrifice. Hear them to repeat an oration, attend the church at the end of the week and carry a pez, symbol of Jesus, in the rear of your car. ¿Pero, is this really the class of relationship that Jesus has with us?

A Jesús nunca le interesó tener admirers. No son los fanáticos los que él anda buscando. No, I don't think it's a retort to reflect on what it really means to be Christian. With a direct comment that we are very likely to learn in the Dominican School class, Kyle invited me to sincerely analyze his relationship with Jesus. Aunque su llamado seguirle nos pueda parecer excessivamente radical, es lo que Jesús dessea de todo creyente.

This book can also be used in small groups.

ISBN: 9780829762631