Music Volume 1

Music Volume 1

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Historical development from David to the present day

Why MUSIC in the plural?

Because the musical phenomenon covers expressions as varied as monodic singing, the symphony orchestra and the computer-controlled synthesizer. From the African tom-tom to Yehoudi Menuhin's violin solo, from plainchant to rock, it's always music.

It is the oldest and most widespread art.

  • How was it presented in the Old and New Testaments?
  • And from the 1st century until the Reformation?
  • How has it evolved since the Renaissance?
  • Is there a “religion of music”?
  • What do we think of atonal, serial and twelve-tone music?
  • And of the musical revival that was jazz and rock?
  • Is there “music for the devil”?

These are some of the questions that Alfred KUEN tries to answer in this book.

This work is the first in a series of three on music:

  • II Music in the Church and in Christian life
  • III Music: what styles for evangelization?

Author: Alfred Kuen

ISBN: 9782828701277