The Gospel of Matthew (Segond 21)
The Gospel of Matthew is considered the most Jewish presentation of Yeshua the Messiah. The style of the story underlines this, with a striking number of references to passages from the Tanakh (the Old Testament). Through a strong text and its explanatory work of art, “Multitudes” underlines Jewish continuity in the historical context of this Gospel.
From the birth of the Messiah to his resurrection, this account of Yeshua's life is filled with ancient references that lead us from a historical journey into the past to a bright future. “Multitudes” describes the depth and also the shadows, which allow us to understand why the Gospel story is good news. An ominous red sky, the dark module of Yeshua's parable teaching style, and Matthew's fear-filled statement (Matthew 8:17) quoting Isaiah chapter 53, the prophecy of the suffering servant, the one who bore our sufferings and loaded with our pains – are all part of the story of Yeshoua. Alongside the dark symbols, the text and paintings reflect the majesty of the announcement of the Good News and the joyful anticipation of the imminent and triumphant return of the Messiah – God's gift to the multitudes of every generation.
—Steffi Geiser Rubin
Illustrated by Steffi Geiser Rubin
ISBN: 9782608129918