Historical, philosophical, biblical and theological perspectives
Berlin, Lausanne, London, Pattaya, Grand Rapids, Manila, Cape Town… to name just a few. For missiology, all these cities are closely linked. The declarations they saw born have shaped the contemporary landscape of the mission. But what mission exactly? Integral or holistic mission? Evangelization? Social Action ? What definitions should be given to the terms of this debate? What connections should be made between them and the realities they cover? What distinctions should be made? What do biblical sciences say about it? And how does our worldview influence the answers we give to all these questions? Over the course of a historical, philosophical, biblical, theological and missiological journey, carried by three experienced authors, these are some of the reflections to which this new work from the Evangelical Missiology Network for French-speaking Europe (REMEEF) hopes. contribute.
Edited by McTair Wall
ISBN: 9782755005028