thank you Lord

thank you Lord

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  • Thank you Lord for all your material and spiritual graces!
  • Thank you for my brothers and sisters in Christ - and for all men!
  • Gratitude is the basis of all Christian life.
But can we really thank God for everything and for everyone? Also for the suffering that assail us and the impossible people around us?

After his career in public education in France, Alfred Kuen came to teach at the Emmaüs Biblical and Missionary Institute. Since his second retirement, he has devoted himself to writing works on the Bible and giving conferences on these subjects in different countries. He also chaired the European Association for the Accreditation of Biblical Training Institutions.

Contents :


Chapter 1 - Thank you Lord for your grace
  • " Say thank you ! »
  • Gratitude in the Bible
  • Praise and recognition
  • The prayer of gratitude
  • Thank you for the spiritual graces
  • Thank God with our songs
  • Thank you for giving meaning to our lives
  • Recognition and fullness of the Spirit
  • I am grateful...
Chapter 2 - Thank you Lord for my brothers and sisters - and for all men

  • Thank God for our brothers and sisters in Christ
  • Paul's example
  • Pray for all men
  • Thank God for our brothers and sisters in Christ
Chapter 3 - Thank you for everything and for everyone?
  • Recognition: basis of all Christian life
  • The Christian: a “therefore” What does this word “therefore” imply? Serve God out of gratitude Love out of gratitude
  • Can we thank God for everything and for everyone?
  • Thank God for all men
  • Give thanks for all things
  • Can we thank God for the suffering that assail us?
  • Thank God for all people?
  • Genealogical recognition
  • Thank God for dead people?
  • What difference does it make to give thanks to God for all things?
  • Live in gratitude towards each other

ISBN: 9782828701307