At a time when we are observing a certain de-Christianization , where the Christian West is Christian in name only, the anniversary of the Reformation initiated by Martin Luther five hundred years ago is undoubtedly an exceptional occasion. to take stock and perhaps the opportunity of a return to the God of Jesus Christ.
The relevance of Luther's revelation and message is more relevant than ever. Luther, the man of God who reveals himself, Luther, the man of the Book , Luther, the man of faith, Luther, the man of grace alone, Luther, the man of salvation in Christ alone and Luther , the man of moral awakening .
Let us listen to the monk, the believer who, tired of the shackles of the religious system, discovers the liberation of the spirit and the grace in the Gospel that saves. A word moves him and illuminates his life: “The just will live by faith. »
Let's discover the man whose message will revolutionize the world, proposing access to reading, education and culture for all, regardless of gender or skin color.
Through the place it gave back to the Bible, the Reformation undoubtedly contributed to emancipating people and giving freedom to the oppressed. His message, far from being outdated, is more relevant than ever. It is revolutionary !
ISBN: 9782847002898