This is the question that thousands of men and women are asking themselves today. “The deepest psychological need is to give meaning to one's life” (Viktor Frankl). “What’s all this for? » sang Maxime le Forestier.
Philosophers offer us different answers: human relationships, love, action, commitment, accomplishment, convictions...
Ecclesiastes has sifted through all the goals of life that men set for themselves and he pronounces on each of them his implacable: “All is vanity”. For what ? Because “God has implanted in the depths of the human being the sense of eternity”. So nothing that is fleeting will ultimately satisfy his heart.
What answers do different religions give us? And Christianity? What meaning does it offer to our life?
A crucial question to which everyone must find an answer.
Alfred Kuen
After his career in public education in France, Alfred Kuen came to teach at the Emmaüs Biblical and Missionary Institute. Since his second retirement, he has devoted himself to writing works on the Bible and giving conferences on these subjects in different countries. He also chaired the European Association for the Accreditation of Biblical Training Institutions.
ISBN: 9782828701345