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Of the Exo group, he was the third for ten years. After which Thierry Ostrini almost seemed to have disappeared... only to reappear today with a new solo album with accents of popular praise.

Lo.-Pop is a diminutive of LOuange.-POPular and there is nothing to define a style from the gospel that is contemporary. “LOuange.-POPulaire” attempts to bridge the current gap between ecclesiastical liturgy and the secular approach to music, a repertoire or a sound.

Essentially rock (and LO.-POP), therefore a pop-rock directed towards God. The keyboards have been considerably toned down in favor of guitars and electro, a few loops and somewhat “vintage” sounds. Don't forget the choirs on this production, the Africa-Afro and the Celtic which emerges here and there... the texts are more "gouaches" than "pastels".

Code: LO1