This work is not an introduction to the Gospel of John like the others. It does not present the usual thoughts on questions of canonicity, authorship, date, etc. (even if these questions can be mentioned here and there). Rather, it is a gateway into this marvelous gospel, offering readers avenues for reflection and other reading keys which will allow them to best understand its riches.
Perhaps you had never before thought of the Gospel of John as a story whose aim is to prepare its readers for the mission... However, John gives pride of place not only to the mission of Jesus , but also to that of his disciples following Jesus. For Nicolas Farelly, this is not trivial: the author of the gospel sets up a narrative strategy which, by strengthening the believing reader in his faith in Jesus Christ, also gives him the tools he needs to become witness to Christ in the world. “Mission” is therefore at the heart of this gospel and its aim.
Nicolas Farelly is pastor of the Federation of Evangelical Baptist Churches of France (FEEBF) and associate professor of New Testament at the Free Faculty of Evangelical Theology of Vaux-sur-Seine.
Contents :
- Foreword
- Introduction
- The portrait of Jesus
- The disciples of Jesus
- The intentions of the story and the circumstances of its recipients
- God's plan for the world and the trial metaphor
- A trial that continues
- Readers trained for testimony in “their” world
- Conclusion: The community of faith and the mission according to John
- Bibliography
ISBN: 9782755003147