The author, after legal-business studies, received a strong call from the Lord Jesus Christ for ministry. Trained theologically in Denmark, he began work in the Lake Geneva area, took over the Apostolic Church of Lausanne in 1966, devoting himself to its pastorate for 32 years. Faced with seemingly insoluble problems, he sought the face of God to ask Him how to act.
The response did not take long. He made him understand, through the Holy Spirit (from 1971) the diabolical origin of much suffering, he launched into the relationship of help and deliverance for thousands of people. More than 30 people have been trained in this demanding discipline. He taught it for 25 years in various training places. This book is the fruit of this long experience with the hope that it will help servants of God and those who, full of compassion, devote themselves to this delicate vocation in order to better help the victims of numerous seductions and diabolical powers.
ISBN: 9782880271961