There are people who just recite what the Bible says about faith without knowing anything about faith. What do you have faith to do? You can't say you have faith without saying the thing you have faith for. Or do you have faith in all things? It is not possible. Many people confuse faith with hope. Hope says, “The Lord will give.” » while faith says: “the Lord has given. » The Lord had given the land to Abraham. Rahab was just proclaiming the Word of God. Faith is proclaiming things that have already happened in the spiritual. It is not possible to have faith and not proclaim. Those who have faith will always proclaim. Every time you listen to a proclamation, you know whether it is a proclamation of hope or a proclamation of faith. For the chemist, faith is a question of “Active Zones”. Faith is where a truth will take root, because unless it settles on your heart, you cannot act. Whether or not a person can recover this Word of God depends on the nature of his heart.
ISBN: 9781922151681