You can't truly know someone unless you know what truly makes them happy. Our pleasure is the measure of our character. So it is with God. We can only fully know the greatness of His glory by knowing what makes Him happy. We must therefore understand the pleasures of God .
This is not a book about you . It’s about the One you were created to be: God himself. In this theological tour de force, Pastor John Piper navigates the biblical evidence to help us see and savor what God's pleasures show us about Him so that we can become like the One to whom we look.
Knowing and loving, looking at and embracing, the great, glorious, sovereign and joyful God of the Bible is what the Church and our world today needs more than anything else.
“A rich feast for the serious believer. ". John MacArthur, pastor and teacher, Grace Community Church .
“Don’t walk, but run to buy this remarkable book.” Joni Eareckson Tada
John Piper, pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis, Minnesota, since 1980 is a respected theologian and author. He is a graduate of Wheaton College , Fuller Seminary , and holds a doctorate in theology from the University of Munich . His works, including Taking Pleasure in God , And If I Didn't Waste My Life , 50 Reasons Why Jesus Must Die, have sold more than 2 million copies. He and his wife, Noël, have four sons and one daughter.
Contents :
- Thanks
- Preface: At the beginning of the millennium
- Introduction: How the book came to be
- God's Pleasure in His Son
- God's Pleasure in All He Does
- God's Pleasure in His Creation
- God's pleasure in his fame
- God's Pleasure in Election
- God's pleasure in bruising the Son
- God's pleasure in doing good to all who hope in him
- God's Pleasure in the Prayers of the Righteous
- God's Pleasure in Personal Obedience and Public Righteousness
- God's pleasure in hiding himself from the wise to reveal himself to children
- Epilogue: Almost too good to be true: One last word of hope
- Appendix: Are there two wills in God?
- Notes
ISBN: 9782895760672