Author: Gordon Keddie
As long as the world endures, Jesus' parables will continue to appeal to man to come to the Savior in repentance and faith.
In their very simplicity shines powerfully the invitation of grace to come to God in repentance, faith and reconciliation by the new way which is opened in this Jesus Christ who gave these same stories so long ago.
In this contemporary view, the author seeks to capture this essential simplicity of the parables. Through touches of remarkable sensitivity, he allows them to live today, to envelop us and touch the heart with force and with inescapable clarity.
Above all, these stories depict the coming, the nature, the identity and the perfection of this work of which God is the author - his kingdom, a tiny seed at the beginning that grows into a huge tree, a small stone that eventually fills the earth .
But, according to Jesus, the parables have a mysterious aspect. In fact, they hide the terms of salvation for those whose minds and hearts the Spirit of God does not enlighten. He thinks he understands them, but it is only according to the flesh; he therefore does not derive any spiritual and lasting good from it. This is why it is up to each person to come and beg the author of the parables to cover them with the anointing of his Spirit.
ISBN: 97829145262768