Loving is a real challenge. If you have read The languages of love , you know it, and you have certainly learned how a couple can flourish and survive the wear and tear of time.
Yet moving from intentions to good habits is not always easy. The Chapman Guides have been specifically designed to help you put into practice and consolidate what you have learned with The languages of love .
This workbook, which can be used individually, as a couple or in a small group, offers you around ten sessions based on the content of the Languages of Love . You'll find interactive questions, quizzes, charts and diagrams, all designed to help you better express your love for your partner.
Answer the questions, set your goals and learn to speak your partner's love language for a fulfilling and renewed relationship!
While reading The languages of love and his Practical guide , you will learn to know the different love languages, and in particular yours, and will know better how to use the one to which your partner is most sensitive.